Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting around

Well, since we braved taxis and capsules a couple of weeks back, Callum and I have been getting out and about a bit more over the past week. We went to the Baby Cafe on Monday afternoon which was fantastic. Callum and I met loads of other mums and bubbas all of similar ages and got some help with breastfeeding too. Everyone was very taken with wee Callum and impressed with his progress and cuteness!

On Tuesday we stayed in for the day while the lovely Nina came to look after us both - I managed a good couple of hours' kip while Nina watched Callum. Then we had yummy lasagne from Da Paolo (and possibly some banoffie pie, but who's counting?) and watched SATC.

Wednesday was back to Mother & Child for the Well Baby Clinic. Callum was weighed naked this time so doesn't look like as big an increase but his weight gain is still going well - he is now a whopping 2.78kg and 49.5cm long! Yay Callum! Got some more breastfeeding help and reassurance and then we hopped back in another taxi to Paragon to meet Nina and Lisa for lunch at Beviamo. They really need to sort their table layout .. definitely not enough room for Yummy Mummies who lunch with their Yummy Babies!

Here's Callum and Hugh chilling out in their matching Peg Perego strollers while their Mummies enjoy lunch (and some peace and quiet)

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